Biden Campaign Rejects Trump's Push for Extra Debates - The Showdown Continues!

The Biden campaign has rejected the idea of participating in any additional debates with Donald Trump beyond the two they have already agreed to. Both candidates agreed to participate in two debates, one hosted by CNN and the other by ABC News. Trump was pushing the Biden camp to agree to a third debate hosted by NBC News and Telemundo. Trump also accepted a debate on behalf of his still-unnamed vice presidential running mate. A Biden campaign official responded to the NBC News/Telemundo invitation, saying the debate about debates is over.

The Trump camp denounced Biden for turning down the third debate and dismissing "Hispanic voters." The agreed-to debates will be hosted by CNN in Atlanta on June 27 and by ABC News on September 10, with the location still to be determined. Both campaigns agreed to the debates after skirting the traditional process of setting up debates through the Commission on Presidential Debates.

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